
Acupuncture is an ancient medical practice originating in Chinese medicine. It’s based on a system that views that meridian pathways flow throughout the entire body. The energy in these pathways is known as Qi. Because of the interconnectedness, any sort of blockage in the Qi, whether due to injury, environment or disease, can interrupt this free flow of qi, and lead the body spiraling into ill health.  Although acupuncture is best known for its ability to treat pain, it is also used to maintain health, longevity, energy, fertility and overall quality of life. 

An acupuncture session employs the use of hair-thin, sterile (and disposable) needles, which are inserted at specific acupressure points on the surface of the skin. The insertion improves the blood and energy (Qi) circulation through the body, clearing out any blockage in the energy and blood flow. Acupuncture is safe, painless, cost-effective and chemical free. 

What is a treatment like? As with most things, it can vary by individual, but many say they feel quite relaxed during treatment and many fall asleep. Acupuncture is both effective for addressing your pains, and areas of ill health, but is also excellent at treating the underlying cause…often yielding benefits that are seen in all aspects of your life. Acupuncture is a natural way that is tailored to you, to restore your health.

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Cupping was one of the techniques used by ancient TCM practitioners, thousands of years ago.

Cupping uses glass, plastic or even bamboo cups to create a vacuum over certain points on the body. The skin and tissue is pulled up into the cup, increasing circulation, relieving pain and pulling out toxins that are in the body tissue.

It stimulates the flow of fresh blood, lymph, and Qi to the affected area and eventually throughout the body. It is great way to enhance and quicken the recovery of numerous conditions.

Nutrition & Herbs

Food is essential for life, and the quality of food is directly proportional to your quality of life.  However, over the last several decades we have seen a horrific decrease in the quality of our crops. Our lands have become overfarmed and at the same time the amount of farmable land has been steadily decreasing.  It is this lack in quality vitamin rich soil and traditional farming processes that yield less than quality foods. Furthermore, many foods have been genetically modified to grow faster, larger and become more tolerant of climate changes. These Biotech crops are still not fully tested or trusted by all nations of the world and are either accepted or banned by the countries on an individual basis. 

The consumption of processed and fast growing genetically modified crops offer us little health benefit.  Today the average person would need to eat 3x the food in order to get even half the vitamin and mineral benefit from food a century ago.

Here at Centerpoint Acupuncture & Wellness we utilize organically grown food supplements to fill the gaps in your health.  Gaps that could be leaching essential vitamins and minerals from your body and that restore your body to its natural health.


As a healthcare practitioner I use only supplements from the best sources.  Ones that I trust and ones that have been tested by unaffiliated labs that ensure the companies adhere to both safe and ethical practices.  Some of the sources that I supply to my patients are from Standard Process, MediHerb and Evergreen Herbs.


Moxibustion is the act of burning Moxa at specific points over the body.

Moxa is an herb called mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) which grows in many climates, including Western North Carolina. Mugwort has the ability to move qi and blood and bring warmth to an area.

Moxibustion (applying heat near the skin) is used to treat injuries, replenish energy, turn breech babies along with countless other functions.

In Chinese Medicine Moxa is used because it has an acrid, spicy odor which makes it able to travel through all of the meridians, regulate qi and blood, and expel cold. One of mugwort’s active components, borneol, is commonly used in topical therapies for its analgesic effects.

NRT - Nutrition Response Testing

Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body to determine the underlying causes of ill or non-optimum health.

This system may be quite different from any other healing practice that you may have experienced.

We begin with some questions and ask a few more during the testing. The procedure is simple and direct, with the body providing all of the information and feedback needed. We use the extraordinary properties of the human cells and tissues to bring about healing and health changes…exactly as Nature intended. We use the energy that flows between all parts and organs of the body. These flows (which can become disrupted for a variety of reasons) get disrupted easily and are relatively easily discovered with our testing. The practitioner will do the analysis by contacting your extended arm with one hand, and contact the specific reflex area with the other hand.  If the tested reflex is stressed, your nervous system will respond by reducing energy to the extended arm (which will weaken and cause it to drop). A drop in the arm indicates underlying stress or dysfunction in that area which can be affecting your health.The body responds to the procedure reliably and consistently. We then utilize this information to formulate a plan for your recovery. 

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Treatment Methods

Acupuncture: Japanese & Chinese
Gwa Sha / Gua Sha
Moxabustion / Moxa
Non-insertive Needle Techniques
Auricular acupuncture
Detox/Purification Program
Nutritional Analysis
Community Acupuncture