Natural Healing Tailored to you!
CenterPoint Acupuncture & Wellness
Acupuncture Does more than you think!
Are you suffering from chronic pain, injuries, illness, addiction or fatigue? You don’t need to “just live with it”. Most people just accept their failing health as “getting old” or “I’ve always been like this”, but you don’t need to settle. At Centerpoint Acupuncture & Wellness we specialize in helping you achieve a better quality life.
Acupuncturists are more than their needles. They employ skills that include acupuncture, body therapies, herbal medicine and nutrition. Acupuncture (generally) works by stimulating the nervous system and increasing blood flow to areas that are otherwise blocked. Acupuncture and traditional Oriental medicine enhances the immune system, relieves pain and restores balance, it can be beneficial for almost all medical conditions.
Acupuncture is quickly gaining acceptance in the West, having more and more clinical trials to prove its effectiveness. “Here is just a few of the things that Acupuncture treats:”
Here is a small list of the things that Acupuncture treats:
- Pain: Back, Neck, Shoulder, General
- Sports Injuries
- Allergies
- Headaches
- Chronic Fatigue
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Anxiety & Stress
- Fertility
- Sinusitis
- Arthritis
- Migraines
- Breathing Problems
- Depression
- Sleep Disturbances
- Lyme Disease
- Menstrual Irregularities
- Inducing Labor
Natural Healing Tailored to you.
In it’s optimal state, your body has an amazing capacity to heal itself. Think about it, you get cut, and it heals, broken bones mend and heartaches eventually fade. However, the body’s ability to restore itself is directly proportional to its ability deal with environmental stressors. These stressors can eventually build up in your body, overload it and force it into a state of ill-health. When your body becomes overburdened eventually it will succumb to injury, trauma and/or dis-ease. The effects of this are manyfold, your mental, physical and/or spiritual health can be impacted.
This is where acupuncture and preventative medicine excel. We can assist your body in overcoming these stressors, stopping the aches and pains and help return you to a better life. At CenterPoint Acupuncture and Wellness we do this naturally, without any harsh chemical or pharmaceuticals that overide the body and cause more side effects.